Karimbla Childcare Miranda

School Readiness Program

At Karimbla Early Learning Centre we have developed a comprehensive School Readiness Program in collaboration with local primary school teachers as well as numerous Early Childhood Teachers and professionals. It is our aim to ensure a smooth transition for children and their families from an Early Childhood setting to Primary School.

School Readiness is embedded as part of our everyday routine. We have designed and arranged our preschool room to be open ended. This ensures that the children become self-motivated learners and are able to develop interests, self-help skills and a sense of autonomy.

We have developed structured learning opportunities for children to ‘begin to understand key literacy and numeracy concepts and processes, such as the sounds of language, letter-sound relationships, concepts of print and the ways that texts are structured’ (EYLF 2009). At Karimbla Early Learning Centre we engage the children in several group times throughout the day which allow them to be able to be directed into a routine, follow directions and understand that there are certain times at school that aren’t free play times. Having group times also helps them practice sitting with their legs crossed, concentrate on a task and sustain engagement and contribute to group outcomes.

Our fun and educational literacy program which builds a sound foundation for learning sound and shape letter recognition. We also encourage group participation by providing the opportunity for discussion and sharing ideas and experiences, which help children to develop their language skills and confidence using them.

We understand the importance of social and emotional development in preparing for school; concentrating on the social aspect of School Readiness everyday by helping children gain skills to problem solves with their peers and ensuring that they have an understanding of fair and unfair behaviours and how to deal with these issues. We build on each child’s confidence in speaking to others, working co-operatively, turn taking, patience, playing fairly, active listening and following rules.

Our Early Childhood Educators and Teachers work together with the local schools and teachers to assist in the transition to school process and provide families with valuable information and support. Each year we host a Transition to School evening and work in collaboration with local professionals to ensure we deliver a high quality and engaging school readiness program for children.